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28 octobre 2009 3 28 /10 /octobre /2009 11:05

Madonna ne sera plus la Princesse Selenia dans le deuxième volet de la saga Arthur de Luc Besson

Elle sera remplacée par Selena Gomez, qui joue dans Hannah Montana

Le film sortiara en fin d'année, mais sans le casting du premier volet
 car même David Bowie sera remplacé par Lou Reed
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28 octobre 2009 3 28 /10 /octobre /2009 10:55

Mais qui est-ce ??

  il s'agit de l'artiste " REEAD"  !

pour mieux le connaître, voici sa bio : CLIQUEZ ICI

Mais pourquoi en parler ici ?

Car cette photo pour la GOOM RADIO nous a vite interpellé !

non non, pas pour la tenue !

mais pour son tatouage : "I LOVE MADONNA"

un bel hommage pour la "QUEEN OF POP" dont il a toujours été fan !

d'ailleurs, voici son blog où il parle de tout dont MADONNA of course !


et sa page fan sur facebook : CLIQUEZ ICI



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27 octobre 2009 2 27 /10 /octobre /2009 22:19

Voilà une vidéo de la cérémonie pour le lancement des travaux pour l'école au MALAWI

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27 octobre 2009 2 27 /10 /octobre /2009 19:30

L'arrivée de Madonna au Malawi a fait parler d'elle, et, on peut le dire, en bien!

Alors que les précédentes parutions des voyages de Madonna au Malawi dans la presse disaient "Madonna achète ses enfants au Malawi" ou encore "Madonna porte un survêtement Chanel dans un pays pauvre", cette fois-ci, on parle d'une femme humaine, plantant un arbre, remerciant la nation d'où viennent ses deux derniers enfants, le tout accompagné de chiffres qui font réfléchir plus d'une mauvaise langue... Exemple dans Direct Marseille Plus paru aujourd'hui, d'où provient l'article ci-dessus...


Voilà quelque chose qui fait plaisir à voir !



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26 octobre 2009 1 26 /10 /octobre /2009 19:43

Voici le trailer pour la difusion du "STICKY & SWEET TOUR" sur EPIX

merci à gaëtan pour la vidéo
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26 octobre 2009 1 26 /10 /octobre /2009 19:39

d'autres photos par all about madonna :

Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)Madonna turns the soil to lay the foundation of a multi-million dollar girls' school she is building in Chinkota, outside Lilongewe in Malawi (October 26 2009)

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26 octobre 2009 1 26 /10 /octobre /2009 18:39

MADONNA est arrivée hier au MALAWI avec ses 4 enfants

Elle a assistée aujourd'hui à la cérémonie pour le lancement
de la constructionde l'école pour filles qu'elle finance près de Chinkota au Malawi

Madonna finance également plusieurs organisations caritatives dans ce petit pays d'Afrique australe,
dont des centres accueillant des enfants malades du sida

Voilà le message que MADONNA a laissée sur le blog de Raising Malawi :

"Ma famille et moi-même nous rendrons au Malawi, afin d'assister à la cérémonie
de lancement de la construction de l'Académie pour Filles de Raising Malawi.
 Cette cérémonie aura lieu le 26 octobre à 15H sur le site de la future école.

Par le biais de ce projet, notre objectif est de rendre les filles plus à même de devenir
 les futurs leaders du Malawi. Nous souhaitons leur apprendre à se dépasser,
 à servir leurs communautés locales et à développer leur pays.

C'est un honneur pour moi de pouvoir aider ces filles à réaliser leur rêve.

Je suis également très fière de tous les projets développés par Raising Malawi

et j'espère pouvoir en visiter un certain nombre durant mon séjour."






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25 octobre 2009 7 25 /10 /octobre /2009 19:37

 Alors que Timbaland avait promis que sur son nouvel album "Shock Value 2" figurerait un titre
 produit avec Madonna pour les sessions "Hard Candy"... le producteur américain a changé d'avis !

Timbaland devait inclure un titre inédit,  "Lala", ou bien un titre dont un extrait avait filtré "Across The Sky". Cependant, Madonna et Timbaland auraient eu un différend suite à l'échec de "Hard Candy", album studio le moins vendu de la star.

Sortie prévue pour le 23 novembre, l'album comportera une ribambelle d'artistes, dont la française SoShy choisie pour le 1er single, Miley Cirus, Shakira et Lil'Wayne, Justin Timberlake, Katy Perry, One Republic, T-Pain, Missy Elliott, Keri Hilson et Jay-Z

from N-M-M
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25 octobre 2009 7 25 /10 /octobre /2009 15:26

MADONNA et ses enfants dans les rues de LONDRES
 se rendant au centre de la KABALLE samedi

à noter que MADONNA doit se rendre au MALAWI ce dimanche

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25 octobre 2009 7 25 /10 /octobre /2009 15:19

Madonna se hisse toujours au top européen
mais cède la première place du top monde à Michael Bublé

Depuis son arrivée dans les bacs, l'album CELEBRATION c'est vendu à plus de 800 000 exemplaires

Aux USA, MADONNA n'écoule que 14 500 exemplaires de CELEBRATION !
Elle se classe donc 39 ème au billoard

voilà le classement Monde et Europe :


1. (2) Michael Bublé – Crazy Love : 275 000 exemplaires
2. (1) Madonna – Celebration : 118 000 exemplaires
3. (-) OST – The Twilight Saga: New Moon : 115 000 exemplaires
4. (14) Black Eyed Peas – The E.N.D : 88 000 exemplaires
5. (4) Barbra Streisand – Love Is The Answer : 87 000 exemplaires
6. (7) Jay-Z – Blueprint 3 : 86 000 exemplaires
7. (-) Aqua Timez – The Best Of Aqua Timez : 83 000 exemplaires
8. (11) Muse – The Resistance  : 77 000 exemplaires
9. (-) Shakira – She Wolf / Loba : 65 000 exemplaires
10. (8) Mariah Carey – Memoirs Of An Imperfect Angel : 63 000 exemplaires


1. (1) Celebration – Madonna
2. (-) Shakira – She Wolf
3. (-) In This Light And On This Ev… – Editors
4. (3) The Resistance – Muse
5. (-) Alles Kann Besser Werden – Xavier Naidoo
6. (8) Get Lucky – Mark Knopfler
7. (-) So Wie Ich Bin – Helene Fischer
8. (2) Humanoid – Tokio Hotel
9. (6) The Boy Who Knew Too Much – Mika
10. (4) Love Is The Answer – Barbra Streisand



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